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Geometrical Calibration of Multispectral Calibration


We introduce a novel calibration pattern board for visible and thermal camera calibration. Our pattern board is easy to make, handy to move and efficient to heat. Also, it preserves a uniform thermal radiance for a long time. Proposed method can be employe d in single- and multi- spectral camera system, and also used in the splitter or stereo camera system. As a result, our method shows a good performance comparing with previous works, and we also shows that the calibrated system is enough to use in ADAS systems.

Experiment Result

Examples of calibration results. Re-projection error is 0.73 pixels (V) and 0.78 pixels (T).

© 2015 by Yukyung Choi. Proudly created withwith

Korea Advanced Institute of 

Science and Technology

Robotics and Computer Vision


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